Beat the Heat

Temperatures in Spokane are reaching all time highs, including an expected 107 degree day today! With soaring temps and

Achieve Your 2018 Wellness Goals with My Fresh Basket

So it’s that time of year again – the beginning of it. And of course that means extreme goal setting, dieting, exercising, yoga classes…you get the idea. But let’s face it, resolutions are hard to maintain! So what’s going to be different about this year? We’re going to give you the ingredients and knowledge to…

Is Organic Really Worth it?

Is Organic Really Worth it?

As organic produce, dairy, and meat becomes more common in local grocery stores, it seems logical that there must be some benefit if the demand for organic goods keeps increasing. So what’s the big deal? Is it really worth the extra couple dollars to buy organic? The short answer is yes! But why? Here are…

Lunch Tips and Tricks for Back-To-School

Lunchtime, Made Easy! It’s that time of year where the air begins to change, and the kids head back to school! Fall can be such a busy time for families, and prepping lunches that are appealing to your kiddos but still pack nutritional punch can seem like a very daunting process! Don’t worry, My Fresh…

Easy Breakfast Ideas

Easy egg cups: Mix together peppers, onions, cheese, bacon or turkey. Spray a muffin tin, and spread the mix evenly in each of the muffin cups. In a bowl, mix together 12 eggs, salt, pepper, and a splash of milk. Pour evenly into the muffin tins, leaving a bit of space in each cup. Bake…

Pumpkin Mania

Fall is in full swing at My Fresh Basket, and that means PUMPKINS! Small pumpkins, big pumpkins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte’s……..the list goes on and on! Here’s how we are celebrating pumpkin season at My Fresh Basket. Pumpkin Greek Yogurt! Try Ellenos:Delicious and creamy greek yogurt layered with pumpkin puree and a delicious crumble…

Pumpkin Cider Apple Crisp!

Pumpkin Cider Apple Crisp!

  Tis the season for Pumpkin Spice Latte’s, sweaters and boots, and so much more! Our Wine Steward Drew is excited to share his newest creation featuring Ace’s Pumpkin Cider (which is currently on tap here at My Fresh Basket!) Try out this delicious recipe for Apple Crisp, and let us know what you think!…

How to Care for Air Plants

How to Care for Air Plants

Air plants are the perfect easy-peasy plant for decor! Air plants, called Tillandsias, are very simple to care for due to their hardy nature. These plants are the best fit for people who are looking for a low-maintenance option for a house plant, as they require less attention than conventional indoor plants.  Here are a…